[LUGOS] fb dimm ecc ram vs double rank ecc ram
Gregor Leskovšek
2017-07-16 19:45:17 UTC
a je to eno in isto?
Če ne a sta kompatibilna?
A je to:

fb dimm ecc ram?
Vem, da je ecc, samo a je tudi fb dimm?
Če ni a bo delal v mojem streÅŸniku kljub temu?
Lep pozdrav, Gregor Leskovšek in hvala
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https://lilaum.com Gregor Leskovšek ;-)
Jernej Simončič
2017-07-16 21:55:55 UTC
Post by Gregor Leskovšek
a je to eno in isto?
Post by Gregor Leskovšek
Če ne a sta kompatibilna?
Ne (če se prav spomnim, FB-DIMM modulov niti ne moreš vtaknit v
navaden DDR2 slot in obratno).
< Jernej Simončič ><><><><>< http://eternallybored.org/ >

One man's red tape is another man's system.
-- Waldo's Observation